If you are located in Switzerland we provide discounted shipping charges and very competitive pricing on our range of high end instruments. Any item over £ 2000 value will be subject to a very reduced £ 49 delivery charge via an insured courier service.
As 20% UK vat is removed from the purchase price for any valid Swiss order you will not have to pay the UK Vat sales tax.
Once your order arrives into Switzerland you will need to pay any import duty charges and the relevant Swiss Vat to the courier service. As a guide this typically this amounts to around 5% import duty and 8.1% vat. This is a very straightforward process, and will be handled by our experienced courier service.
The very best price will be obtained by paying via bank transfer. Please contact us for details on how to pay into our UK bank account. Alternatively, our website is set up to accept orders via Swiss Francs. Please just email us for help or advice regarding payment methods.
Our service includes a very detailed check and set up in our experienced workshop. We will ensure any instrument leaves us playing and performing perfectly. Please let our workshop know by email if you have any set up or playing requests.
Delivery to Switzerland usually takes around 7 working days. This allows us time to check and set up the guitar and to arrange the relevant paperwork. This is a guide based on our usual supply times. If we feel it may take a bit longer than this we will email you before we proceed with the order.
Please note this is not possible to offer Vat free shipping on Pre-Owned guitars as they do not have 20% VAT on them. Most Pre owned guitars will be sold by us at the listed price regardless of the location of the purchaser as we cannot deduct any UK Vat.
So to sum up the process of buying from us when you are located in Switzerland, you do not pay the UK 20% VAT sales Tax as this will be removed at the time of purchase, but you will have to pay Swiss import duty and Swiss Vat to the courier amount to approximately around 13%.
These figures are for guide purposes only. Please check with all the latest regulations. The final amount you may need to pay will vary slightly depending on the exchange rate and any nominal courier handling charges.
We look forward to hearing from you with any questions. Please email sales@projectmusic.net for more details.